Joska Kruijssen Rubio Dutch

Nov 8, 20163 min

Not sure about your level?

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Not sure about your level?

Beginners I is for absolute beginners.

If you know a few words, understand a few things, but don’t know anything about sentence structure or how to conjugate a verb in present or perfectum, then this is your course!

Beginners I focuses on word order and pronunciation: it sets a firm groundwork to build your language acquisition on. Pronunciation and word order are hard to correct once the mistakes have become ingrained in your brain. By getting these basics right from the start, you save yourself a lot of time and frustration later on.

Beginners II

After finishing Beginners I, this course will get you talking. You now have the basics of grammar and a mini-vocabulary: time to go from jogging to running. The idea is that your daily life will teach you what you need, as long as you engage and grab every opportunity you have. Learning a new language is ALWAYS hard work, but by doing what matters to you and creating a habit of using the communication tools you receive in this course, you will feel more and more comfortable to speak Dutch.

Take this test below to see if you are ready for Beginners II.
7 times “yes” or more? You are ready sign up for Beginners II.

I am ready for Beginners II when…

Answer with YES / NO

1. I can conjugate any verb in present tense

2. I can construct a simple sentence, and I know where to place the verbs, subject, complements of time and place (but when speaking, I don't always position the word in the correct order).

3. I can understand and write short messages about things related to daily life

4. I can understand and handle numbers, quantities, cost and time

5. I can understand and fill out a questionnaire (entry permit form, hotel registration form) well enough to give the most important information about myself (name, surname, date of birth, nationality)

6. In everyday situations I can understand messages written by friends or colleagues, for example “back at 4 o’clock”, and write simple messages to tell somebody where I am or where we are to meet

7. I can introduce somebody and use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions

8. I can make simple purchases where pointing or other gestures can support what I say

9. I can ask people questions about where they live, people they know, things they have, etc. and answer such questions addressed to me provided they are articulated slowly and clearly

10. I can very simply ask somebody to repeat, speak more slowly, or speak Dutch instead of English.

7 times “YES” or more? > Ready for Beginners II

Less then 7 “yesses” > You are welcome to sign up for Beginners I

Intermediate I

Take this test to see if you are ready for Intermediate I.
7 times “yes” or more? You are ready to sign up for Intermediate I.

I am ready for Intermediate I when…

Answer with YES/NO

1. I can find the most important information on leisure time activities, exhibitions, etc. in information leaflets, and skim advertisements online or in newspapers and identify the most important pieces of information (price and size of apartments, cars, computers)

2. I can order or make simple transactions in bars, shops, post offices, banks or public transport and make si

mple purchases by stating what I want and asking the price

3. I can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan

4. I can use simple expressions for asking how people are and react to news, greeting, addressing, asking or thanking somebody, both spoken and written

5. I can make and respond to spoken and written invitations, discuss with other people what to do, where to go and make arrangements to meet

6. I can say what I like and dislike and describe my hobbies and interests in a simple way

7. I can describe myself, my educational background, my present or most recent job, my family and other people and describe where I live, both spoken and written

8. I can describe past activities and personal experiences (e.g. the last weekend, my last holiday), both spoken and written

9. I can ask for attention, indicate when I am following, and very simply ask somebody to repeat what they said

10. I can link sentences using “en”, “maar”, “dus”, “omdat”, “als”, “hoewel”.

Based on the Swiss version of the Common European Framework of Languages

Sign up here:

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